Wednesday, December 28, 2011


How do we go from an over packed, overpriced, over stimulated holiday as Christmas to a time of new beginnings and resolutions for ways to improve ourselves for the next year?  Who thought up this and why do we all follow it?

The History of New Years Resolutions-
" The tradition of the New Year's Resolutions goes all the way back to 153 B.C. Janus, a mythical king of early Rome was placed at the head of the calendar.

With two faces, Janus could look back on past events and forward to the future. Janus became the ancient symbol for resolutions and many Romans looked for forgiveness from their enemies and also exchanged gifts before the beginning of each year.

The New Year has not always begun on January 1, and it doesn't begin on that date everywhere today. It begins on that date only for cultures that use a 365-day solar calendar. January 1 became the beginning of the New Year in 46 B.C., when Julius Caesar developed a calendar that would more accurately reflect the seasons than previous calendars had.

The Romans named the first month of the year after Janus, the god of beginnings and the guardian of doors and entrances. He was always depicted with two faces, one on the front of his head and one on the back. Thus he could look backward and forward at the same time. At midnight on December 31, the Romans imagined Janus looking back at the old year and forward to the new. The Romans began a tradition of exchanging gifts on New Year's Eve by giving one another branches from sacred trees for good fortune. Later, nuts or coins imprinted with the god Janus became more common New Year's gifts.

In the Middle Ages, Christians changed New Year's Day to December 25, the birth of Jesus. Then they changed it to March 25, a holiday called the Annunciation. In the sixteenth century, Pope Gregory XIII revised the Julian calendar, and the celebration of the New Year was returned to January 1.

Although the date for New Year's Day is not the same in every culture, it is always a time for celebration and for customs to ensure good luck in the coming year.

The celebration of the New Year is the oldest of all holidays. It was first observed in ancient Babylon about 4000 years ago. In the years around 2000 BC, Babylonians celebrated the beginning of a new year on what is now March 23, although they themselves had no written calendar.

Late March actually is a logical choice for the beginning of a new year. It is the time of year that spring begins and new crops are planted. January 1, on the other hand, has no astronomical nor agricultural significance. It is purely arbitrary.

The Babylonian New Year celebration lasted for eleven days. Each day had its own particular mode of celebration, but it is safe to say that modern New Year's Eve festivities pale in comparison.

The Romans continued to observe the New Year on March 25, but their calendar was continually tampered with by various emperors so that the calendar soon became out of synchronization with the sun. In order to set the calendar right, the Roman senate, in 153 BC, declared January 1 to be the beginning of the New Year. But tampering continued until Julius Caesar, in 46 BC, established what has come to be known as the Julian Calendar. It again established January 1 as the New Year. But in order to synchronize the calendar with the sun, Caesar had to let the previous year drag on for 445 days. "

Once again we are taken aback by the fact it hasn't always been this way.  It was changed for religious reasons and the date has no significance.  Could this be why we don't keep our resolutions?  Let's look at the word RESOLUTION-


[rez-uh-loo-shuhn] Show IPA
1. a formal expression of opinion or intention made, usually after voting, by a formal organization, a legislature, a club, or other group. Compare concurrent resolution, joint resolution.
2. a resolve or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something.
3. the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course action, method, procedure, etc.
4. the mental state or quality of being resolved or resolute; firmness of purpose.
5. the act or process of resolving or separating into constituent or elementary parts.
To me it seems as if resolution and ultimatum seem awfully similar...
Top 10 Resolutions-
1. Spend more time with family and friends
2. Fit in Fitness
3. Tame the Bulge
4. Quit smoking
5. Enjoy life more
6. Quit drinking
7. Get out of debt
8. Learn Something New
9. Help Others
10. Get Organized
How to plan out your failure of reaching your new years resolutions...
1. Have you met my family?  Do you REALLY want to spend more time with them?  Just kidding- we live hundreds of miles away.  It is not always feasible to do this. Thankfully Facebook was invented and we can stay in touch in hopefully an unobtrusive way. 
2. Fit in Fitness:  Yes those who exercise regularly will have less stress and lead healthier more active lives.  But do you know that Pizza Hut delivers?  McDonalds is on the way home?  I have to get up earlier to fit fitness into an already packed day?  Some things like 20 more minutes of sleep get the best of me. 
3.  Tame the Bulge:  Do we realize how fat we are?  66% of Americans are overweight or obese.  See #2 for clarification as to why.  Most people can't set a goal and stick to it to save their lives and this folks is the problem.  They think they have to spend money and go for the gusto.  When in fact small daily changes will lead to bigger and better changes. 
4.  Quit Smoking- The hardest thing I have ever done!  Put down the F%&*$#G cancer sticks.  You stink, your breath stinks, your clothes stink, and for F's sake you are not only killing yourself you are exposing the rest of us to your misery.  Especially those of you who smoke with your kids in the car...Oh yeah and CANCER....HELLO...You are not immune to the diseases that are related to smoking.  They just haven't shown up yet.
5.  Enjoy life more: I can't imagine how this one is supposed to work when I am adding more time with family and friends, getting fit, taming the bulge, quitting smoking, quitting drinking and trying to get out of debt.  How in the hell can I enjoy life more?  I love my bad habits that's why I have them.
6.  Quit drinking: Next
7.  Get out of debt- contrary to popular belief as long as we are humans and in the rat race we fight to control this one.  $$ coming in can easily be less than $$ going out.
8.  Learn something new:  If I am by myself because my friends and family have shunned me because I am such a bitch from quitting smoking and drinking and all I talk about is working out and how they should also become healthier people.  I am pretty sure I will be left alone and will have to entertain myself.  It is then I will learn something new to occupy my time. 
9.  Help others:  Unless I can help myself I have no business helping others...
10.  Get organized:  This requires time, effort, and energy that is easily put off as well. 
Conclusion- Resolutions are bullshit.  If you are unhappy with yourself or your life change it.  Stop living in fear and putting off for tomorrow that in which you can do today.  Make a plan, make it small, and for a short time frame.  Adjust that plan as you go.  Some days are good days and some days are bad days, but all days start out the same.  They start with you and they end with you- everything in the middle may not be up to you, your choice is how you handle it.   
These subjects will be visited throughout the year for updates...

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sunday before Christmas

'Twas the Sunday before Christmas and something seemed amiss. 
I checked the tree, No, it wasn't on fire and the stockings were hung.
The presents were almost ready to be wrapped and shipped (no good ole St. Nick to deliver for me)
Christmas cards are out and ready to be addressed. 
What could be missing?  What is that feeling?

As time lingers on and I look at the tree, my sight is pulled to one ornament and then I know. 

Grandma made these from mouth wash caps, I think grandpa Leon had a light up beer tree made from Buckhorn beer as well)

It's the Sunday before Christmas and the family is not gathering at Grandma's for dinner.  As a child, a teenager (we won't further that road any more), and even as a young adult it was a special day.  No matter what Christmas dinner with Grandma was always the Sunday before at noon.  There were no other things scheduled, PERIOD. Grace was sometimes lead by Grandma, other times it was Uncle Harold, we would all eat and exchange a few gifts.  There were no ipods and electronics.  Our gifts were from the heart. 

Most of the time Grandma made our gifts. 

There were quilts, bedspreads, robes, ornaments, and various items over the years.  Not many of these items made it to adulthood, but the few that have are cherished. 

Pictures circa 1988 (your welcome)

Before Grandpa passed it was at their home.  Then it was at Grandma's apartment in the the Ridge, imagine all of us in a tiny one-bedroom apartment, and then the club house to her apartment in Sedalia. 

This is a special day made that way by a special lady.  She doesn't ask for much and gave us all so much.  As the day passes and I think of Grandma and family I only hope that someone visits her today.  She may not remember, but we will never forget.

Love you Grandma....

Friday, December 9, 2011

Is it really almost Christmas time?

That's right everyone, it is time.  It's time to get 50 emails and 4 catalogs per day advertising the perfect, latest, greatest gifts EVER!  And what's better yet, its on SALE.  My head pounds, my fingers are numb, and my brain is disengaged.  I really have zero desire to go through all this yet again. 

As we contemplate what is the perfect gift to get anyone and everyone I feel like such a failure.  I feel there are certain standards that must be upheld, but why? But what if they don't like the gift?  What if they get rid of it?  What should I have gotten them instead?  Is it enough?  Did I totally waste my time and effort?
I know I have gotten a few gifts over the years that have rapidly left the house or just never made it here.  I'd rather get a gift card so I may get something I enjoy than to open up something and have to try and hide my confusion or dislike. 
Wait a minute, it is a GIFT.  Stop being such a rude unappreciative bitch.  This person spent time, effort, and energy on YOU.  Show some respect.  Christmas is about giving NOT getting.  (Hold that thought Christians)
How are we supposed to teach our children the true meaning?  I can't even watch TV without every commercial being for a toy, jewelry, car (seriously people give cars? WTF? and can I be adopted into this family?), booze (that's a big HELL YEAH!), depression medication, and payday loans.  Wow, what does this say about us? 
What happened to the days where girls got a new doll

 and boys got a BB gun

 or baseball?  Where your stocking

had an orange, stick candy, and a penny? 
Now they are filled with iPods, video games, plastic toys that you never play with again.  Have you listened to what some children list out as what they received?  Might as well back up the truck from Toys R Us. 
So keep this in mind before I go Christmas shopping for everyone I will do the following. 
Take out a payday loan,

get hammered,

buy myself a new car and a diamond bracelet,

YES I know I have expensive taste....

get the rest of you people


Then I will go to the doctor and ask for depression medication because I seriously must be ill to keep doing this year after year. 

 And remember its not that I don't love you- I just can't afford the both of us :)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Facebook- Love/ Hate

Ever since I read the NPR article on Facebook and it's upcoming changes I have had a lot of thoughts about it.

Hi My Name is Ranae and I am an Addict.  Those simple words should be enough said, but are they?  Nope, that wouldn't make for a very interesting blog post now would it?

Privacy- Facebook is the equivalent of living in a small town where everyone is up in your business.  And yes they are some judgmental post readers out there.  I like FB, I can post whatever flippant thought crosses my mind.  I hate FB because I post whatever flippant thought crosses my mind.  It's not FB fault; it is my own.  I always argue that because our family lives so far away and we have friends from wherever we have lived it is so easy to keep in touch this way.  But lets face it, I post because I like it.  I want people to comment on our crazy life, congratulate our highs, and help me through our lows.  I want to brag about my kid and family.  And so do you.
Timeline- Think about this- how many of you keep a personal journal?  I don't know anyone who hand writes one anymore.  Guess what your posts are?  It's your own electronic journal.  Don't believe me?  Read through your timeline and many of you will go, "I remember that"" I was so pissed off "or
"that was such a great day"  Facebook is your timeline and journal.  It will record everything you want it to.  You can even delete posts.  So let me get this straight- I can post whatever I want and later delete it and "re-write" my own history?  Why yes you can...

Who to Friend - "Friends"  what a bunch of problems this creates.
 Ever get that friend request that is really awkward?  You don't even want to acknowledge it, but guess what? Until you do,  they have access to your page.
How about the friends that you have to censor everything?  That makes it no fun for me.  Please only be friends with me for me, not because I am a friend of so and so's.  And don't be offended if you are under the age of 18 and I block you from certain things.  I am an adult, I am allowed to have adult conversations with my other adult friends. 
I friend people I like.  People I enjoy talking to, that are zainy, wacky, offer me a different point of view and are a point of amusement. 

Who to support- Really?  The only way you love me or support the dying fleas from the dog is to copy and paste this to your status.  I feel awful for those who have cancer, autism, mental retardation, AA, NA, abused children, domestic violence, military, ETC.  You know what?  This is my wall, I will post on here whatever I want.  Don't think less of me because I don't copy and paste- I post what I feel.  God is really not going to love me anymore or anyless if I don't copy something from your wall that you copied from anothers wall. Are we not adults?
And while we are there- I love the ones who copy and paste items and they are either wrong or from such a one sided point of view that you almost want to go against them just for principle. 

When you think about FB now think about your posts, your wall, your friends walls.  This concept is unbelievebly brilliant.  You have recorded years worth of actions, pictures, comments, details.  So what happens next?  The world ends and 500 years later the next lifeform discovers some FB.  Will it be remisence of "caveman drawings"  will they try to put it into the context of the next bible?  Whoever's account they find is God and their friends become disciples?  Imagine that I just became a God and Adrianne, Enrique, Donna, Michelle, Juanita, Kim, Lisa etc all became my followers...
Maybe I should not have had that glass of wine and let me thoughts run rampart....

Sunday, September 25, 2011

PX 90 week 3, 4, & 5

Monday 9/5 Day 16-  What a busy day here at the house. I putzed around between laundry, cleaning my bathroom, and 2 batches of cookies made. I even found the time to do Plyometrics with the boy. He showed improvement with it. I do enjoy it, however I stay on the low impact side of it as my knees hurt afterwards. May start some glucosemne to help with that. Even had the boy ride his bike while I walked the dog.

Tuesday 9/6 Day 17- Did my 3 mile run today. It went well. I was against a good headwind for the first half of it. I got it in before the rain hit! Time was normal. Only did half of the P90X this evening. Maybe that is part of the problem, I don't do so well if I wait until evening time to do it. Trying new ankle and knee strenghtening exercises the chiropractor showed me. Hopefully it's not raining too hard in the morning to run.

Wednesday 9/7 Day 18- 30 mintute tempo run and my body doesn't want to cooperate with me today. Everything feels stiff - Hell if anybody offered me a ride home today I would take it instead of finishing this misery! Since no one offered me a ride I better make this my bitch and finish it. That whole Yoga X thing- OMG! I just want it to be over, make the bad man stop. I have seen improvement on my form and endurance, so it's not all bad. Atleast that is what I keep telling myself.

Thursday 9/8 Day 19- Legs, Back & Ab Ripper- Feeling pretty good with this one. I could push more, but not feeling it today. Just get it done then on to my massage! Thank you honey I am sure I will enjoy it. And BTW I am skipping my run today. And that is the END of the 5 K program...Oh yeah.

Friday 9/9 Day 20- Kenpo X BABY...Can I do this one every week or instead of YOGA?

Saturday 9/10 Day 21- You would have thought I had busted out of prision and was on house arrest. I didn't leave, I ate everything bad, and I was HAPPY to do it. I played 4 hours of a video game, watched Diary of a Wimpy Kid with the boy and introduced him to Boyz in the Hood. Almost feel guilty for the lazyness.

Sunday 9/11 Day 22 - What a sad day as our nation mourns the 10 year anniversary of 9-11-01. Watched a few hours of the televised program and I am ignoring FB today (which is hard to do). Yoga X today. I am making the boy do it with me today, this helps him to limber up. As much as I hate to say it- I have noticed a big improvement in my ability to complete the program. Now if some of the poses didn't turn boy wonder into a gas machine I would be happy.

Week 8
Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday  Friday Saturday Sunday
Assignment REST 3 mile 30 min tempo 2 mile REST rest rest
Distance 3.11 3.08 X
Time 0:31:16 0:31:53 X
Avg 0:10:14 0:10:20 X
Calorie 373 390 X
mile 1 0:11:04 0:11:08 X
mile 2 0:09:29 0:09:50 X
mile 3 0:09:40 0:10:03 X
mile 4 0:10:20 0:10:05 X
mile 5
mile 6
mile 7

Monday  9/12 Day 23- First time for Core Synenergy- What a workout! Rolling Banana, Banana to Boat- the hour flew by

Tuesday 9/13 Day 24- KENPO X! It's a good day! Think I may have messed my left knee up, will pamper it for awhile. Will have to run tonight as well. Starting the 10k program today. Tried to run at the track, but however boys soccer was playing a game and couldn't use the track. Settled for a 2.25 mile run around the park while Buddy was at practice. Man could I tell I had been on a running hiatis for a week.

Wednesday 9/14 Day 25- 3.5 mile run. I did okay. I did push a little here and there and was an average in the 9's. Felt good about that. Did P90X Stretch. Goodworkout as well. Still trying to determine if knee is bad enough for a doctor.

Thursday 9/15 Day 26- Busy day gotta workout, walk the dog, and do a tremendous grocery store trip and bake lots of cupcakes! Today's workout was Synergystics- not too bad. Did better than the other day. Banana Roll and Banana Boat. Good thing I like Banana Republic too! No tempo run today, I really need to work that back in.

Friday 9/16 Day 27- Yoga, made it through 40 minutes. My time is pretty mashed today. Gotta give a little sometimes (and I prefer to give up when it comes to Yoga.). I have to decorate all those darn cupcakes.

Saturday 9/17 Day 28- 4 mile run. Believe it or not I actually ran with someone else! It was a nice steady jog. No P90X today and I am happy to report I did not have any of those cupcakes!

Sunday 9/18 Day 29- Just got so out of sync this morning.  It's my own fault.  My run started an hour late I was trying to fix the computer.  Run did go extremely well it was in the 9:20's.  The first half was in a good head wind and I had to fight it.  By the time I resolved the computer issues and walked the dog I had no energy left.  Only did 30 minutes of Chest & Arms and skipped Ab Ripper.  I may have to sit down, get the menu organized, and try to follow it.  Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow is only a day away...

Week 1
Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday  Friday Saturday Sunday
Assignment REST 4 X 400 3 mile 30 min tempo REST 4 mile Run 30 min EZ
Distance 2.14 3.26 4.04 3.13
Time 0:22:37 0:03:00 0:41:49 0:00:29
Avg 0:10:33 32:12:00 0:10:21 0:09:23
Calorie 281 406 525 406
mile 1 0:10:46 0:10:50 0:10:55 0:10:05
mile 2 0:10:27 0:09:41 0:09:52 0:09:14
mile 3 0:09:50 0:08:51 0:10:15 0:08:53
mile 4 0:10:57 0:10:02 0:09:10
mile 5 0:18:32

Monday 9/19 Day 30- Haven't I said I love Plyometrics before?  If so-  I will say it again!  Also trying the meal plan today for better results.  I did discover they accidentally left 2 scoops of cookies and cream ice cream off the menu for the day, but don't worry I took the liberty of correcting that. 

Tuesday 9/20 Day 31- Back, Arm, & Bicep - I am a glamour girl!  Great workout.  Ab Ripper is showing a lot of improvement.  Ran at practice in the parking lot.  Not great times, but I did it. 

Wednesday 9/21 Day 32- Morning run- 3.25 miles.  Legs are really sore.  Not a great time but not disappointing time either.  A little Yoga scheduled for the afternoon.  Okay- Yoga not happening today.  My glutes are so tight.  I think a bath and R& R are in order.

Thursday 9/22 Day 33- Completed 35 minutes of Back & Legs.  I know, I know,  but somewhere I lost my mojo.  The good news is this afternoon more recovery drink was delivered.

Friday 9/23 Day 34- After a dismal 2 days of P90X I have redeemed myself with Kenpo X.  Love it!  Last day of the P90X for the week.  Almost halfway through the program, where has the time gone?

Saturday 9/24 Day 35- You really didn't think those 5 miles were gonna run themselves this morning did you?  It was a good run in the warm drizzle.  Avg. 9:36 per minute.  Love it!  Note: When its sprinkling/raining I put a baggie around my phone to keep it dry.  I can still hear runkeeper and the music.  And it's gonna be a little drizzle for football today- oh hells yeah!

Sunday 9/25 Day 36- Had a horrible headache last night that left me apprehensive about its return this morning.  It was a slow run, but you know what.. I ran it!  It was just how I like cupcakes light with sprinkles...Finished the Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, and Ab Ripper.  Really it shold be named Push-up. Push-up, and more push-up....Now for some NFL time. 

Week 2
Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday  Friday Saturday Sunday
Assignment REST 5 X 400 3.5 mile 35 min tempo REST 5 mile Run 35 min EZ
Distance 3.16 3.1 5.07 3.16
Time 0:34:22 0:31:24 0:48:41 0:30:58
Avg 0:10:54 0:10:08 0:09:37 0:09:48
Calorie 405 395 619 383
mile 1 0:11:21 0:10:41 0:10:03 0:10:33
mile 2 0:11:29 0:10:07 0:08:56 0:09:33
mile 3 0:10:02 0:09:02 0:09:42 0:09:02
mile 4 0:09:39 0:16:00 0:09:49 0:11:27
mile 5 0:09:31
mile 6
mile 7

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Why I have wasted my morning..AGAIN or why beer can be acceptable at 11:30 am

Here it is almost 11:30 in the morning.  And what do I have to show for it?  Absolutely Nothing, Nada, Zip, Zero.  I was caught in a nightmare. 
Skype has really been failing us lately.  It started earlier this summer when we didn't have enough bandwidth to do face time.  Okay; you are in a different country, I get that.  I really don't want to have to put on make up just to answer the phone anyway.

We switched to Skype calling, then the Skype calls would fail. 
I would answer and hear husband ask "can you hear me?"
"Yes, I can" is my response. 
Again I hear husband ask "can you hear me?" 
"FUUCK, this goddamn thing" yep that is me and my purdy potty mouth...
And then I hear nothing.

We resort to Skype chat.  And husband lets me know that he was able to hear my brilliant response earlier just as he lost signal. 
An hour to an hour and a half of instant messaging back and forth...
You know what?  All I want to do is TALK to my husband.  Hear his voice. And I can't do that!  Why?  Because technology hates me that's why..

Now Skye is being blocked because it sucks up too much bandwidth.  How can it suck up to much bandwidth when it doesn't work in the first place?  Who are these lucky people who have gotten it to work?  What lottery did they win or special cards did they get handed?

Time to switch to Google chat.  And thank you honey for sending me the link on how to get this to work on the iPhone and iPad.  I love step by step. 

Now Google talk is ready to go.  Not bad ~ way to go sister you are victorious.  Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back. 
Oh, what's all these apps for google?  and google sync?  That's sounds handy dandy.  I want that.  Okay look here's step by step (I love you~ I sometimes need all the pictures)
Back up phone to computer ~ got it. 
SHIT!  Last week my iTunes mysteriously shit itself and I lost all my playlists.  Unless I recreate them I can't sync.  I will lose everything.  3 hours later my playlists are back.  (I know what you are going to say, BUT you can back all that up.  Okay smarty pants.  I have over 100 gigs of music and 100 gigs of movies.  Mr. Genius isn't here to do all of that for me)

All right, sync time. 
But Itunes, why aren't you recognizing the iPhone?  Restart computer, Really?  At this point everytime we turn this thing off or restart it we have to cross our fingers that it reboots.  (i.e. I HATE Windows, Microsoft and H.P.) 

Computer back up (I will not disclose how much time has elapsed or the fact that I had to restart it again)

Itunes up- phone plugged in and yes we are syncing.  (Picture me doing the cabbage patch in my office chair)

Back to this genius sync Google thing.  follow steps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.  Contacts, sync?  Yes, do you want to delete current contacts?  Not doing so will cause duplicate contacts.  (okay, DELETE), enter domain password.  What's that?  I don't have a domain, I have an email and it won't take that..research.

You have to have a domain?  But I don't want to pay for this.  I already pay for a phone and Internet, why would I pay for a domain too.  I don't have a business.  Okay, delete the app.  My calendar already syncs, the emails come through, the contacts seem to update and duplicate all on their own. 
Go to phone contacts to find it is empty...I will have to re sync the phone. 

No big deal. 
Re sync, negative still have zero contacts. Finally figure out to just import from google to outlook to itunes.  This is a problem, I didn't want to use outlook for this email account. 

Seriously, can I please just have my own "trunk monkey" to take care of this crap for me?

Maybe tomorrow I will have a few moments of patience to finish what I started.

Until then I will just get out my trusty pencil, paper, abacus....cause I am not touching anything else today...