Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sunday before Christmas

'Twas the Sunday before Christmas and something seemed amiss. 
I checked the tree, No, it wasn't on fire and the stockings were hung.
The presents were almost ready to be wrapped and shipped (no good ole St. Nick to deliver for me)
Christmas cards are out and ready to be addressed. 
What could be missing?  What is that feeling?

As time lingers on and I look at the tree, my sight is pulled to one ornament and then I know. 

Grandma made these from mouth wash caps, I think grandpa Leon had a light up beer tree made from Buckhorn beer as well)

It's the Sunday before Christmas and the family is not gathering at Grandma's for dinner.  As a child, a teenager (we won't further that road any more), and even as a young adult it was a special day.  No matter what Christmas dinner with Grandma was always the Sunday before at noon.  There were no other things scheduled, PERIOD. Grace was sometimes lead by Grandma, other times it was Uncle Harold, we would all eat and exchange a few gifts.  There were no ipods and electronics.  Our gifts were from the heart. 

Most of the time Grandma made our gifts. 

There were quilts, bedspreads, robes, ornaments, and various items over the years.  Not many of these items made it to adulthood, but the few that have are cherished. 

Pictures circa 1988 (your welcome)

Before Grandpa passed it was at their home.  Then it was at Grandma's apartment in the the Ridge, imagine all of us in a tiny one-bedroom apartment, and then the club house to her apartment in Sedalia. 

This is a special day made that way by a special lady.  She doesn't ask for much and gave us all so much.  As the day passes and I think of Grandma and family I only hope that someone visits her today.  She may not remember, but we will never forget.

Love you Grandma....

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