Saturday, October 1, 2011

Facebook- Love/ Hate

Ever since I read the NPR article on Facebook and it's upcoming changes I have had a lot of thoughts about it.

Hi My Name is Ranae and I am an Addict.  Those simple words should be enough said, but are they?  Nope, that wouldn't make for a very interesting blog post now would it?

Privacy- Facebook is the equivalent of living in a small town where everyone is up in your business.  And yes they are some judgmental post readers out there.  I like FB, I can post whatever flippant thought crosses my mind.  I hate FB because I post whatever flippant thought crosses my mind.  It's not FB fault; it is my own.  I always argue that because our family lives so far away and we have friends from wherever we have lived it is so easy to keep in touch this way.  But lets face it, I post because I like it.  I want people to comment on our crazy life, congratulate our highs, and help me through our lows.  I want to brag about my kid and family.  And so do you.
Timeline- Think about this- how many of you keep a personal journal?  I don't know anyone who hand writes one anymore.  Guess what your posts are?  It's your own electronic journal.  Don't believe me?  Read through your timeline and many of you will go, "I remember that"" I was so pissed off "or
"that was such a great day"  Facebook is your timeline and journal.  It will record everything you want it to.  You can even delete posts.  So let me get this straight- I can post whatever I want and later delete it and "re-write" my own history?  Why yes you can...

Who to Friend - "Friends"  what a bunch of problems this creates.
 Ever get that friend request that is really awkward?  You don't even want to acknowledge it, but guess what? Until you do,  they have access to your page.
How about the friends that you have to censor everything?  That makes it no fun for me.  Please only be friends with me for me, not because I am a friend of so and so's.  And don't be offended if you are under the age of 18 and I block you from certain things.  I am an adult, I am allowed to have adult conversations with my other adult friends. 
I friend people I like.  People I enjoy talking to, that are zainy, wacky, offer me a different point of view and are a point of amusement. 

Who to support- Really?  The only way you love me or support the dying fleas from the dog is to copy and paste this to your status.  I feel awful for those who have cancer, autism, mental retardation, AA, NA, abused children, domestic violence, military, ETC.  You know what?  This is my wall, I will post on here whatever I want.  Don't think less of me because I don't copy and paste- I post what I feel.  God is really not going to love me anymore or anyless if I don't copy something from your wall that you copied from anothers wall. Are we not adults?
And while we are there- I love the ones who copy and paste items and they are either wrong or from such a one sided point of view that you almost want to go against them just for principle. 

When you think about FB now think about your posts, your wall, your friends walls.  This concept is unbelievebly brilliant.  You have recorded years worth of actions, pictures, comments, details.  So what happens next?  The world ends and 500 years later the next lifeform discovers some FB.  Will it be remisence of "caveman drawings"  will they try to put it into the context of the next bible?  Whoever's account they find is God and their friends become disciples?  Imagine that I just became a God and Adrianne, Enrique, Donna, Michelle, Juanita, Kim, Lisa etc all became my followers...
Maybe I should not have had that glass of wine and let me thoughts run rampart....

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